Candice Wiggins

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Confirm Your Belief

A spiritual solution for racism.

In this piece I want to explain this so that one can understand that only the spirit can rise above racism; the solution is to fight in the spirit—which is what is unseen. 

Confirm Your Belief

In my previous pieces, I discussed racism as both a definition and as a conflict. Here, I would like to promote and present the best solution I have found for combating this force of evil. My intention is to project peace in a time of chaos and confusion. None of us have the complete answers, and that includes me, but I still want to share what I’ve found in the hopes that it will help others who share a common belief foundation. 

I have found that the obstacles of racism are two-fold: a feeling of superiority, which is an emotion (of the soul), and the action of using authority to implement that feeling of superiority. This may be implemented in many ways (physically, legally, economically, socially, etc.) 

Understanding this intuitively can be extremely depressing, as it is almost a hopeless state in which to exist, especially if and when the oppressors are either unwilling to acknowledge it, or they are willfully (or not willfully) ignorant about it. 

What do you do? Well, I believe that, although the obstacles and oppression exists in the body and soul, the spirit can rise above both of these obstacles and I have found a firm faith in this belief system. The spirit can rise above and against racism because racism can only defeat the mind (soul) and body. There is a weapon to fight against this and it is the Word of God. 

Spiritual victory over Slavery

In America, the greatest historic proof we have of this solution strategy I have suggested comes courtesy of our ancestors who were enslaved, mistreated beyond comprehension—yet who fought this impossible fight in the spirit (as well as with the body and soul) and obtained a freedom in the flesh and for eternity. It was so strong what they obtained that they were able to pass that same freedom to us with the courage of their faith. 

Faith gets tested, and nothing tests the faith of the human condition like racism does. Because of it’s vicious power, the only way to break free is to fight it. This is not to promote a physical fight in the flesh. Our ancestors already fought that good fight for their freedom. This is rather a spiritual fight, where the only weapon is the Word of God and the power of your testimony of faith and perseverance. 

In my 34 years of living, nothing comes close to this as the ultimate use for conflict resolution. This is How you will truly confirm your belief.

Spiritual Warfare

How do you fight racism in the spirit these days? Here are 3 ways:

1.     Prayer—ask God for answers to questions that you have. Take many moments to figure out what it is you want to know about the world. Sometimes writing out these questions will help you understand your emotions better so you can present it to God in the form of prayer. Pray for your enemies and oppressors.

2.     Forgiveness—I am standing directly on 1 John 3:15 with this. Forgiveness puts a stop to hatred; that’s why there are so many commands to forgive. You can ask God to help you to forgive others when it seems like you can’t do it on your own strength. To me, this is my most trusted method of combat and I believe is the answer to the questions I have involving a subject such as this.

3.     Studying the Word of God—in the Bible, the word is called the “sword of the Spirit” and is the only offensive weapon in spiritual fight described in Ephesians Chapter 6. Learning and studying the Word will give you the confidence to rise above evil through the knowledge of the power you hold over it. If you don’t know the scriptures with your mind, neither will your spirit know them.

Peaceful protest is wonderful, but I would like to also suggest that our fight against oppression and evil should take place in the spirit as well as in the flesh, in order to see and experience a complete change in the world around us.