Speak For The Dead

Speak For The Dead

On May 25th, 2020 a black American man named George Floyd was brutally murdered publicly by a white Minneapolis police officer. He lost his life, the precious gift he wanted so desperately, as he begged and pleaded for mercy to not leave this earth.

But it wasn’t just the murder that makes this case the timetable marker for America, it was the fact that his life was helplessly strangled from him by the knee of the officer, his breath literally taken from him as he pled.

There was no bloodshed.

This fact is so distinct in determining the magnitude of what this death means to the demise of this country. The life of the flesh is in the blood, but it is with our breath, which is fueled through the bloodstream, that we are activated to life and ultimately deactivated in death.

The officer, who can only be called a murderer now, made the choice with his knee to take the breath of life from a purely innocent man who not only deserved to live, but was only beginning to fulfill his purpose on his quest in life. George Floyd will be remembered forever on earth. His voice will thunder; it will burn like the power of 1 million suns. His spirit will scorch this earth, and burn the unworthiness down to the ground for what it did to him.

His voice

This is the only thing that echoes now because silence took his soul upon his death. What most fail to realize is that he was stripped of his humanity when he begged for his life as it was being strangled from him. The suffering of his voice trying to survive; yet at the same time trying to understand why this murderer felt he deserved to die in such a low, humiliating way. After this, who would want to live in a world like this? His voice was the final call: a plea for the answer to a question this barbarian was too cowardly to respond to.

His words

His final words tell his whole story on earth, just as all his words from his past, both idle and righteous, fulfill the destiny of his eternal soul. His understanding of the true value of his life, the pricelessness of love and compassion, and his ultimate command of his heritage will not only be how he will be remembered, it will be how every life following his will want to be remembered as well. His fulfillment of honor, dignity and legacy cannot be trampled. George Floyd stands!

His spirit stands with all those who remember his words.

No more hope

There is no longer any hope for this case in America because there is no longer any hope for George Floyd. Hope left when he was murdered and his soul left his body to flee this vicious planet. The 8 minutes and 46 seconds it took for it to happen was the small window of opportunity that hope allowed. Now that has vanished, and we are not permitted to hope again. Forgiveness is always at play, and there is hope in forgiveness, but hope on its own as a power is now useless and worthless.

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called—one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

Ephesians 4: 3-6

How to rebuild from nothing

There is a rearrangement that is necessary, one that I cannot determine, but can only continue to contribute to tirelessly, endlessly. I believe communication is the key, in all its many forms: verbal, non-verbal, mass communication, one on one face to face interactions, etc. These are building blocks that, if used productively, may provide the new foundation for which we are searching. This will take a great deal of patience.

But there is no more hiding now; there is no more shelter…


Rest in Peace, George Floyd—you have an army of angels on earth and in heaven fighting these great battles in the war of your legacy.

To learn more about this absolutely incredible man, please read this article on the Gospel legacy he left in Houston.

Four time All-American, WNBA Champion, Edutainer and Coach