Learning & Leading

Our country has been shattered by a splay of racial and social injustices, causing national tragedy on a scale we have never seen before. As we begin to recover from a tumultuous history seemingly too tough to conquer, there is so much for all of us to learn from this. The primary lesson I’ve learned is the call we all must answer to lead the fight against racism.

Learning & Leading

After over 30 years of learning from my many life experiences, I am ready and determined to begin leading this new fight against an old, hard to defeat foe: racism—which does still exist today. 

I want to be clear that all thoughts and the definition that I used is all created by me after careful examination of my own experiences and emotions. I understand that there are many, many ways to define racism, especially in this modern day society. I have thought very carefully and at excruciating length to make this as simple as possible to anyone reading or observing. Please don’t mistake the simplicity that I have created for a lack of depth of meaning, as it takes more work to simplify communication of this magnitude than it would to use complexities in my language. The reason I was led to adopt a new definition is so that all who read and watch this will have a clear foundation for how I see the world and how I define the term “racism”.

Here, I want us to think rationally about what racism really is. To me, the very definition of what racism is goes even further to also outline its many obstacles. 

Racism as a definition

Simply put, it is a feeling of superiority —> and the authority (legally, socially, economically, etc) to carry that feeling of superiority through. 

The feeling of superiority is an emotion. It is the act of authority that implements the superiority complex. 

This may sound basic, but this is exactly how I see and have at many times experienced racism in my lifetime. It is too deep of an issue to give it the time and space it needs, but I felt compelled to try my hardest to spell out a definition to submit to the surrounding world. 

In all of this, it is most important to me to listen, which is what I plan to do as I continue my quest to both learn and lead. 

Four time All-American, WNBA Champion, Edutainer and Coach